Welcome Ambitious Bilateral Trade Agreement

DIGITALEUROPE, the leading association representation the digital technology industry in Europe, warmly applauds the finalization of the negotiations of the most ambitious bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement to date and looks forward to a speedy ratification process. We are convinced that the agreement will contribute to advancing the social and economic agenda and improving the quality of people’s lives both in the EU and in Japan. The partners are sending a strong signal in favour of free trade around the world.

Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, DIGITALEUROPE’s Director General said “We are grateful to the Japanese government and to the European Commission for their efforts in improving the global business environment, as the agreement is meant to trigger a long-term GDP increase for the EU estimated to +0.76% and an increase of exports by + 34% for the EU. The EU exports circa 28 billion euros of services to Japan each year and, for the EU and its Member States, the agreement will remove most of the duties paid by EU companies, which amounts to circa 1 billion euros annually, to access the Japanese market”.

DIGITALEUROPE has been an active supporter of the EU- Japan Agreement since its inception. Japan and the EU have a long history of strategic and commercial collaboration. We are convinced that the signature of this agreement will reinforce the existing relationship and offer a whole new range of commercial opportunities for European and Japanese consumers and companies.

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“DIGITALEUROPE believes that the European and Japanese economies will prosper from the benefits associated with the inclusion of a free flow of data provision, while respecting applicable legal frameworks for privacy and personal data protection, in the future.”

For the next milestone, DIGITALEUROPE acknowledges the review clause allowing for the free flow of data between both partners. DIGITALEUROPE believes that the European and Japanese economies will prosper from the benefits associated with the inclusion of a free flow of data provision, while respecting applicable legal frameworks for privacy and personal data protection, in the future.

DIGITALEUROPE hopes that the EU and Japan will continue their joint leadership on global trade, while being committed to promote the global nature of the Internet and the flow of information across borders. There’s no trade in an online world without a global Internet. It is critical to ensure the functioning of Smart Industries and Internet of Things, and the interoperability of respective ICT policies such as the EU ‘Digital Single Market’ and Japan ‘Society 5.0’. Therefore, we encourage the same parties to pursue the same objectives at the G20 and G7 summits.

Finally, we welcome the progress of the discussions on an adequacy decision with Japan. This exercise will help to better secure outbound data flows of EU citizens’ personal data to Japan. Both European and Japanese economy can prosper from the benefits associated with the free flow of data, built on strong data protection. We are grateful to the Japanese government and to the European Commission for their continuing efforts in improving the global business environment.

DIGITALEUROPE remains committed to collaborate with likeminded organisations and policy makers to ensure that the agreement will be approved and implemented in a timely manner.

Published 2018


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