4th EU-Japan EPA Forum 2022

Global Webcast and Exclusive In-Person Event

Looking ahead: towards a deeper EU-Japan cooperation
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Looking ahead: towards a deeper EU-Japan cooperation

On the global stage, collaboration between the EU and Japan on climate and sustainability issues is crucial and can make a real difference. We have many encouraging signs of accelerated climate action in other countries, including the United States. The Climate Summit convened by President Biden was an important milestone, but we must continue to ramp up our ambition we approach COP26 later this year.

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JAXA and European Partners and Space Industry
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JAXA and European Partners and Space Industry

To revitalize Japan’s aerospace sector, JAXA’s mid- to long-term plan has identified six issues as high priority policy objectives to be addressed. The Japanese government issued the “Space Industry Vision 2030” in 2017. Under this vision, the space industry is regarded as a driving force to advance the fourth industrial revolution, and space is positioned as a frontier to create growth industries in addition to improving the productivity of other industries.

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Prospects of Private Equity Funds in Japan - Expectations toward Finance with Ideas and Commitment
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Prospects of Private Equity Funds in Japan - Expectations toward Finance with Ideas and Commitment

BOJ: It has been said now is the time for a ‘Great Reset’ around the world in the wake of the pandemic. In recent years, due to increased awareness of capital efficiency and the aging of CEOs, the number of buyouts by PE funds in Japan has increased led by carve-outs and business succession-oriented deals reflecting a need for further corporate restructuring.

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Evolution of Japan’s Corporate Governance Code
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Evolution of Japan’s Corporate Governance Code

This year marks the second revision of Japan’s Corporate Governance Code, a set of principles for institutional investors. The three main points in the Revision include “Enhancing board independence,” “promoting diversity,” and “sustainability and ESG.”

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Smart Cities: Digital transformation for a connected future
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Smart Cities: Digital transformation for a connected future

Cities across the world are undergoing major transformations owing to population growth, environmental changes, rapid urbanisation, changing demographics among other factors. Such changes are expected to create a huge demand and supply gap for key facilities which cannot be addressed without the intervention of technology.

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Update on EU-Japan EPA and Geographical Indications
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Update on EU-Japan EPA and Geographical Indications

Two years after the EU-Japan EPA entered into force in February 2019, trade between the EU and Japan has reached 170 billion euros a year. On February 1, 2021, the EU and Japan agreed to expand the Geographical Indications (GI).

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Artificial intelligence – managing the risks
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Artificial intelligence – managing the risks

AI is big news - but it raises big legal questions. Here we consider: how can businesses protect their rights in content created by AI? And how can we ensure that AI systems are used responsibly?

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Evolving approaches of Japanese MNCs to global management: implications for European subsidiaries and JV partners
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Evolving approaches of Japanese MNCs to global management: implications for European subsidiaries and JV partners

It is becoming increasingly obvious that in an era of rapid technological change and intensifying global competition that relying on the traditional ‘all-Japan’ solution has its limitations. Attracted particularly by the innovative qualities and global outlook of European companies, the Japanese are turning to Europe for solutions.

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Japan and the EU – Latest cross-border M&A trends and outlook
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Japan and the EU – Latest cross-border M&A trends and outlook

A&O: The increasingly unpredictable political, regulatory and economic environment faced by investors has led commentators to suggest that 2019 may see a downturn in global M&A activity. But while uncertainty will definitely present significant challenges for investors, we believe there will be just as many opportunities for those who remain agile and ambitious.

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EU-Japan EPA and Geographical Indications
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EU-Japan EPA and Geographical Indications

A system for Japan and the EU to mutually protect names that connect certain agricultural products, etc. with the place of their production as geographical indications (GI) was introduced on February 1, 2019 with the coming into force of the EU-Japan EPA.

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Japan is awake to the potential of the EPA
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Japan is awake to the potential of the EPA

Japan and the EU are global partners sharing fundamental values, such as democracy, the rule of law and basic human rights ... [We have a responsibility to promote] free and fair common rules — that are suitable for the 21st century — around the world.

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EU Trade Commissioner: Insights on the EPA and vision
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EU Trade Commissioner: Insights on the EPA and vision

The future of the multilateral trading system has been brought into question in recent years, with a growing climate of protectionism. In the face of this, the EU and Japan are ready to stand shoulder-to- shoulder in defence of open global trade.

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